  • (+84) 24 22106611
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  • 05
  • Jul

Seico Imprint at Construction Event VCJ BizTech 2024

Mr. Nguyen Doan Dung, Export Director of Seico Group, captivated the audience at VCJ BizTech 2024 with an insightful presentation on "Structural Steel in the Era of Industry 4.0." The presentation provided attendees with a comprehensive overview of the latest trends and advancements in the structural steel industry.

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  • 05
  • Jul

Seico Imprint at Construction Event VCJ BizTech 2024

Mr. Nguyen Doan Dung, Export Director of Seico Group, captivated the audience at VCJ BizTech 2024 with an insightful presentation on "Structural Steel in the Era of Industry 4.0." The presentation provided attendees with a comprehensive overview of the latest trends and advancements in the structural steel industry.

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  • 05
  • Jul

Seico Imprint at Construction Event VCJ BizTech 2024

Mr. Nguyen Doan Dung, Export Director of Seico Group, captivated the audience at VCJ BizTech 2024 with an insightful presentation on "Structural Steel in the Era of Industry 4.0." The presentation provided attendees with a comprehensive overview of the latest trends and advancements in the structural steel industry.

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  • 05
  • T7

Dấu Ấn Seico tại Sự kiện Xây dựng VCJ BizTech 2024

Với vai trò đại diện Công ty, anh Nguyễn Đoàn Dũng - Giám Đốc Xuất Khẩu Seico Group đã có bài trình thu hút tại sự kiện VCJ BizTech 2024, mang đến cho các khách mời và đối tác tham dự cái nhìn tổng quan về Kết cấu thép trong thời đại công nghệ 4.0.

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  • 28
  • Jun

Seico's Employee Trip: A resounding success!

The recent company trip for employees organized by Seico was a great success.

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  • 28
  • Jun

Seico's Employee Trip: A resounding success!

The recent company trip for employees organized by Seico was a great success.

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(+84) 24 22106611

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